Free PNG to WEBP Converter

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How to convert PNG to WEBP for free

Choose the image you want to convert from PNG to WEBP
Upload the file by dropping it into the window or select it by clicking on the ‘+’
Give our PNG to WEBP converter a few seconds to do its job
Hit ‘Download File,’ and your new image will be saved on your device

Why choose PDF Flex?

Fast conversion

Download your document quickly and with ease. Our PDF converter can create PDF files in seconds!

Safe & secure

We use data encryption to protect your digital data when you make PDF files on our platform.

Powerful editor

Redact a PDF, modify text, add new objects, and perform even more actions all in one place.

Easy to use

We designed an intuitive interface so that you can use our PDF maker without any hassle

No setup required

Our PDF maker works online on all platforms, whether it's Windows, Mac OS, Linux, iOS, or Android.

Password protection

If you don’t want others to open, edit, or print your file, you can lock or restrict access to it.

The free PNG to WEBP converter you’ve always wanted

Converting PNG to WEBP is a very common operation, especially for those who deal with web graphics. At PDF Flex, we understand the importance of being able to quickly make the conversion so that you can continue working on your main project. For this reason, our team came up with a tool that helps convert PNG to WEBP in seconds without quality loss. Whether you’re an expert or a newcomer, you’ll be amazed by the power of our PNG to WEBP converter!


What is a WEBP image?

WEBP is an image format created by Google back in 2010. The idea was to create a file type lighter than JPG but with the high quality and features of PNG. As such, WEBP became the go-to file format for speeding up websites’ loading time, thus improving their performance. In the SEO community, it's widely believed that WEBP images can potentially improve page rankings on Google, compared to traditional image formats. If you need to turn PNG into WEBP, it's likely for these performance-enhancing reasons.

How to change PNG to WEBP?

While there are numerous free software options that allow you to convert PNG to WEBP free of charge, the quality of the outcome can vary. Expensive photo editors might do the job, but they can be an overinvestment if your primary need is conversion. Our web application stands out as the ideal solution: it's not only free and fast but also incredibly user-friendly. Simply upload your image and click to download; within seconds, your converted file will be ready on your device.

How to turn PNG to WEBP on Mac?

One of the best things about our tools is that you can use them on any kind of device and any kind of operating system. As long as you have a browser and an internet connection, you’re good to go! So, if you’re on a Mac, you can save PNG to WEBP by accessing our website, uploading your image, and downloading the converted file. Super easy!

Is WEBP better than PNG?

Normally, we would say that this is a matter of preference or use, but it’s hard not to say that WEBP is indeed better than PNG in many aspects. It is lighter and keeps the same quality even after compression. The trend towards PNG saving as WEBP is driven by the need for more efficient files that enhance website loading times without compromising on quality.

Convert PNG to WEBP for Free

The most easy-to-use converter
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