Convert PNG to PDF for Free

Our PDF Tool makes image conversion a breez
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How to convert PNG to PDF for free

Select the image you want to convert
Upload it to PDF Flex and click 'Convert File'
Wait while our PNG image converter creates your document
Click 'Download File' to save it to your device

Why choose PDF Flex?

Fast conversion

Download your document quickly and with ease. Our PDF converter can create PDF files in seconds!

Safe & secure

We use data encryption to protect your digital data when you make PDF files on our platform.

Powerful editor

Redact a PDF, modify text, add new objects, and perform even more actions all in one place.

Easy to use

We designed an intuitive interface so that you can use our PDF maker without any hassle

No setup required

Our PDF maker works online on all platforms, whether it's Windows, Mac OS, Linux, iOS, or Android.

Password protection

If you don’t want others to open, edit, or print your file, you can lock or restrict access to it.

Our PNG to PDF converter is super easy to use

Say goodbye to wrestling with file formats. Now, you can easily convert PNG to PDF free of charge. We get how annoying converting stuff can be, and that's why we built PDF Flex — a tool that makes it all fast and simple for you. Our goal is to help you get your work done without headaches. Click a few buttons, and our app will turn PNG into PDF in a snap. Before you know it, you'll have your document ready to go!

Frequently asked questions

How to turn PNG into PDF?

PDF Flex makes it incredibly easy to convert PNG to PDF online, free of charge. Just drag your file to the box at the top of the page and sit back while the app works its magic. When your new PDF is ready, it will automatically download to your computer or mobile device.

Of course, there are other ways to change PNG to PDF format, such as downloading special software. The only issue with that is that it's often paid. That's money and disk storage you could save. So, would you like to keep things simple? Let our free PDF converter do the work!

You won't encounter any complex procedures or hidden costs when you use PDF Flex to turn PNG to PDF. After the conversion, your document is ready to go. If you require any edits or need to combine your new PDF with other files, PDF Flex ensures compatibility with most PDF editors.

How to convert PNG to PDF on Mac?

Mac's Preview app lets you convert files from PNG to PDF, free of charge, since it's built-in. That's super handy if you're not online. Here's how you can use it to save PNG as PDF:

1. First, open your PNG file in Preview.
2. Click File and select Export as PDF from the menu.
3. Then, pick where to save the new PDF file and click Save.

So, that's how you use Preview to convert a PNG file to PDF. But if you want to complete this same process much faster and you have an internet connection, we recommend you stick with PDF Flex.

In summary, while Mac's Preview app works well for converting PNG to PDF when you're offline, PDF Flex offers a quicker alternative for online conversions.

How to convert PNG to PDF on Windows?

Unlike Mac, Windows has no built-in apps you can use as a free PNG to PDF converter. But it's got a little workaround you can try. Follow these steps:

1. Open your PNG file in a web browser.
2. Click File and select Print.
3. Then, click Print to PDF, and hit Save.
4. Choose a name for your file and decide where to store it.

Admittedly, this method is quite time-consuming. If you're looking to save some time, you can use our platform to turn PNG into PDF. We make converting files way easier. No programs to open or multiple steps to remember. Just drag, drop, and boom — you have your PDF!

Is PNG the same as PDF?

PNG and PDF are two different file formats with different uses. While PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is commonly used for images with transparent backgrounds and for web graphics, PDF (Portable Document Format) is used for creating documents that are easily readable and printable across different platforms.

However, if you need to convert PNG to PDF, high quality and resolution intact, you can do so using our tool. It delivers excellent results, allowing you to easily switch between formats when necessary.

Is PDF or PNG better for printing?

When it comes to printing, both PDF and PNG formats have their advantages. PDF files maintain high-quality resolution and formatting, making them an excellent choice for professional printing. On the other hand, PNG files are better suited for images with transparent backgrounds, which may be necessary for certain printing projects.

Fortunately, you can easily change formats with our PNG to PDF converter, free of charge. Ultimately, the best choice for printing will depend on the requirements of your project, and both formats can be easily accommodated in the printing process with the right tools and expertise.

Convert PNG to PDF for Free

A few clicks is all it takes
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