Free JPG to PNG Converter

Image conversion made simple
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How to convert JPG to PNG for free

Find the picture you want to convert from JPG to PNG
Click on the ‘+’ or drop the file into the upload area
Give our free JPG to PNG converter a few seconds to complete the task
Select ‘Download File,’ and the new picture will be saved to your computer

Why choose PDF Flex?

Fast conversion

PDF Flex ensures rapid file transformation and boosts your productivity while saving you money and time.

No login required

Our free document converter offers immediate access for speedy and convenient file management.

Safe & secure

We use HTTPS encryption to keep your digital data safe while creating PDF files on our platform.

Ease of access

Our free PDF converter is available across multiple platforms, including Windows, Mac OS, Linux, iOS, and Android.

User-friendly design

PDF Flex's interface is designed with your convenience in mind, making it easy for anyone to use our free file converter.

Perfect quality

We preserve the integrity and format of your documents, delivering high-quality outcomes for every file converted to or from PDF.

We’ve created the definitive JPG to PNG converter

Our team takes pride in producing free helpful tools that can help in everyday tasks like converting JPG to PNG. Recognizing that not everyone is a computer whiz, we want our web app to be user-friendly and highly intuitive. With these things in mind, we created a free JPG to PNG converter that’s fast, reliable, and easy for anyone to use.


How to turn a JPEG into a PNG?

You don’t need a specific JPEG to PNG converter for this operation since JPG and JPEG are fundamentally the same file formats with just a character difference. So, whenever you need to convert JPEG to PNG, including JPG Large to PNG, open our tool, upload your file and in a few seconds your picture will be in a new format.

How to save JPG to PNG on Mac?

PDF Flex’s free JPEG to PNG converter works perfectly on any operating system, even with Apple OS and iOS. Of course, there are a number of alternatives, either free or paid but they usually imply installing bulky software, paying high subscription fees, and the quality of some isn’t exactly the best. To change JPG to PNG safely and for free, just upload your image into our tool and you’ll be able to download your converted file in the blink of an eye.

Is JPG better than PNG?

There’s no definitive answer to this question since they serve different purposes. JPG is ideal for conserving disk space, as it allows for storing high-quality images in a compact size. This comes at the cost of some limitations (e.g., it can’t handle transparent backgrounds) and converting from this format can lead to loss of quality. PNG, on the other hand, is a heavier extension but capable of handling high-quality images with plenty of details and features. As such, it’s one of the most common formats in graphic design and front-end web development.In a nutshell, JPG is the go-to option for storing a large number of pictures, and PNG is for professional images designed for marketing, design, and the web.

Is JPEG or PNG better for print?

This could be one of the reasons why you might want to turn JPG into PNG. Due to its “lossy” characteristics, JPEG isn’t particularly good for printing. Since PNG can handle higher details, it’s definitely the best option between the two. So if you want to print your pictures, convert JPEG to PNG for free with our tool and get the best out of your photos.

Convert JPG to PNG for Free

Switch between formats like it’s nothing
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